Businesses urged to get behind World Toilet Day 2017

The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) has urged businesses to get behind World Toilet Day on the 19th November.

The theme for this year is ‘Wastewater’ and focuses on disposing bodily waste safely and responsibly.

UN-Water coordinates World Toilet Day in collaboration with governments and partners to highlight the fact that billions of people around the world have either ineffective or non-existent sanitation systems.

“With 2.4 billion people worldwide struggling to live, work and stay well – all because they don’t have a toilet – World Toilet Day is an increasingly important event in highlighting the impact plumbing has to play on a global level,” said CIPHE CEO Kevin Wellman.

“While we often take access to safe, clean toilets for granted here in the UK, across the world, the humble toilet is a vital component of life, for work and for dignity. This is especially true for women and children living in more dangerous parts of the globe, who may fear that long walk in the dark at night to find a place to relieve themselves.”

He added: “Having access to a toilet at home and work can lift people out of extreme poverty, increase personal safety and improve quality of life significantly.”

Source: KBB Daily