Solarking UK, the solar and renewable energy company, has seen an increase in sales as a result of offering point of sale credit finance to its customers. The company has been using Consumer Credit Solutions (CCS) since August 2011 after investigating the best way to help its customers buy. David Lindsay, Operations Director of Solarking UK, explains why they chose CCS: “We found that CCS had the best overall solution for our customers which could not be provided by other finance companies, particularly their 0% and low interest credit options.  Offering finance gives us a competitive advantage – our customers can go ahead and buy straight away. They don’t have to wait to raise the money or to free up savings and we don’t risk losing the business in the meantime.”

Solarking’s turnover has grown strongly since August. “We have been extremely busy with customers trying to beat the changes in the feed-in tariff dates,” says David. “We’ve noticed that we are dealing with younger customers now, as prices for PV products drop. Offering finance means young families can buy now, when they need to. Since using CCS we’ve found 80% of our customers go for finance, with 80% of those choosing the interest free option.

“It has also had a positive effect on our sales force. They feel confident offering finance to customers knowing they have CCS behind them. They’ve received excellent training, and they know CCS is always on hand to support them. It’s tough in most industries at the moment, but the Solar Industry has taken a real hit with customer Feed In Tariffs being halved. Without a funding option we wouldn’t have a competitive advantage, and working with CCS has proved to be an excellent aid to sales.”