Sash Window Market Predicts Growth in 2015
88% of installers expect more sash window sales in 2015, and 65% feel sash window installations are more profitable than casements, according to a study by Roseview Windows and Insight Data.
Over 10,000 installers were asked for their opinions on sash windows and to gauge their confidence in the market. The survey concluded that the majority of installers expect the market to continue to grow, the survey also revealed that 69% buy-in sash windows with run-through sash horns and 50% with mechanical joints.
The move towards specialised conservation features goes hand-in-hand with growth in the heritage market, where authentic aesthetics are especially important. 65% of installers said they had installed uPVC sash windows in a conservation area, with many agreeing that uPVC sash windows can replace timber, offering modern benefits while retaining traditional aesthetics.
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