Consumer Credit Solutions (CCS) has launched its eSign credit application system with home improvement specialists Betta Living. The introduction of the web-based, point-of-sale software means Betta Living can now complete finance applications via a laptop or tablet during sales appointments at customers’ homes.
Alex McCulloch, Head of Business Development at CCS, said, ‘The software is popular because it’s so simple to use. There’s no additional paperwork and applications are processed immediately by the lender with a decision in a matter of minutes. The statutory 14 day cooling-off period still applies and starts on the day the order is taken, which means a far more efficient process than previous paper-based systems.’
Kevin Hill, Sales Director at Betta Living, said, ‘We’ve been using the software for two months now and the team find it very easy. Customers also appreciate being able to apply for finance and get an immediate response. And because customers are informed of the personal credit limit that’s available to them they’re able to realise their dream purchase, and we’re able to increase the sales order value.’
‘eSign’s also streamlined our processes. We no longer have any application forms being returned because they’re incomplete or incorrect – and that’s helped improved our turnaround from sale to delivery’, added Kevin Hill.