The sale is made and the customer is ready to order, keen to go ahead. The finance is agreed, (via the salesperson’s laptop or tablet) so they can have exactly what they want without having to compromise. Everything is in place, but the customer has to sign the necessary documents to confirm the finance – which used to mean a delay of days (if not weeks) while paperwork is raised and sent in the post, followed by more delay while it’s signed and returned. And it’s easy to make mistakes when filling out forms, leading to yet more delay. New ‘DigiSig’ electronic signature software, available through Consumer Credit Solutions, means this frustrating hold up is no longer a problem.

“The customer can sign on the spot, the salesperson is free of tedious paperwork and the order can enter the system straightway,” explains Andy Wallace, Managing Partner of CCS, which manages point-of-sale finance for retailers in in the home improvements markets. The statutory cooling-off period still applies, but it starts from the day the order is taken instead of waiting for paperwork. It’s simple to use, but we will of course offer our usual training and support to our clients using the software.”

CCS client Chris Mitchell, of Clearview Home Improvements, has no doubt the new software has helped sales go from £50K-70K a week to £180K a week. “It’s part of the continuous support and training we receive from CCS,” says Chris. “CCS installed the software on our laptops and tablets, so our salespeople can organise finance there and then, while they are with the customer. There’s no need for paper, which means no additional cost, fewer sendbacks – which can be as high as 20% with paper – and a shorter cancellation period as we don’t have to allow for delivery time.”