CCS to promote finance for solar PV at the Solar Energy UK Show (14-16 October @ NEC, Birmingham)

Solar Energy UK is the UK’s number one exhibition for all solar industry professionals. This year promises to be bigger and better than ever, so we’re really pleased to one of over 200 exhibitors who will be attending – and the only finance company.

So why not coming along and meet the CCS team?  It’s a great opportunity to catch up and for us to share the latest industry updates and discuss solar PV finance products .

We’ll be on stand D52 from 8am on Tuesday 13th through to 4pm on Thursday 16th.  The stand is located straight-down from the main entrance towards the back of the hall and close to the Installer Central Feature Area.

 Other reasons to attend the Solar Energy UK:


Click to download your FREE visitor pass for the Solar Energy UK Show